Commentary: A Copious Compendium of Adam Schiff’s Lies

Rep. Adam Schiff


With the establishment media in a disgusting bromance with Democrat impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff, we thought we’d wrap-up the first few days of the impeachment farce – we mean Senate trial – by collecting as many of Schiff’s lies as we could find into one well-sourced document.

So, here goes:

  1. Schiff repeatedly claimed to have knowledge of “direct” and “ample” evidence proving President Trump’s campaign colluded with the Kremlin. These claims were exhaustively investigated and debunked by the Mueller report.
  2. Schiff insisted FBI and Department of Justice officials did not abuse the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) courts or hide information from judges. These claims were exhaustively investigated and debunked by Inspector General Horowitz’s report.
  3. Schiff insisted that the FBI didn’t rely on the so-called Steele dossier, the salacious Democratic Party-paid-for opposition research against Trump. But the Horowitz IG report shows that the FBI heavily relied on the dossier — that the dossier played a “central and essential role” in obtaining warrants to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign and that the FBI even made up evidence to keep the dossier useful before the courts, though key officials knew that what was in it wasn’t true.
  4. Schiff concealed and lied about his dealings with fake whistleblower Eric Ciaramella until the New York Times and other media outlets revealed the truth.
  5. Schiff even lied to fellow Democrat Rep. Jerold Nadler about texts between Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas, characterizing them as part of a backchannel of blackmail and strong-arming the Ukrainian government.
  6. Schiff lied when he said not to impeach the President would be to let Donald Trump “cheat in one more election,” because the Mueller report clearly found Trump did not cheat in the 2016 election. Schiff’s lie is, as John Podhoretz, Editor of Commentary magazine put it, “made it seem as though the purpose of the impeachment was to prevent Trump from doing something a second time that he didn’t do the first time.”
  7. Schiff lied when he said Ambassador Gordon Sondland’s testimony proved there was a quid pro quo. By Sondland’s own testimony, he didn’t know definitively that there was a quid pro, he was presuming there was. Indeed, when Republican Rep. Mike Turner asked him pointedly, “So, you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations?” Sondland said, “Other than my own presumption.” Sondland later testified that Trump specifically told him “I want nothing.”
  8. Schiff lied by falsely claiming that Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman testified that he thought President Trump had broken the law. While delivering his opening statement at the hearing, Schiff said, “Lt. Col. Vindman’s fear was that the president had broken the law, potentially.” In reality, Vindman testified that he thought the call was “inappropriate” and “improper,” but not illegal.
  9. As Adriana Cohen pointed out in a column for the Boston Herald, Schiff literally made stuff up and lied before Congress and the American people about what President Trump said in his phone call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Here’s the transcript.
  10.  Schiff lied when he said White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney had said people should “get over” the idea that Trump was tying foreign aid to political investigations. Mulvaney, in fact, had remarked only that politics and foreign policy sometimes overlap.
  11. Schiff lied when he said House Democrats’ case against President Trump was “overwhelming” and “uncontested.” The President’s legal team contested each and every detail of the allegations in an extensive brief rebutting the charges in the House-passed articles of impeachment. What’s more, they were contested on the Floor of the House and in the vote, in which 197 Members of the House voted against them.

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The toll-free Capitol Switchboard number (1-866-220-0044), we urge CHQ readers and friends to call their Senators to tell them the impeachment of President Trump is based on nothing but Adam Schiff’s lies and to demand that they vote to acquit the President of all charges in the Articles of Impeachment.








Reprinted with permission by

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3 Thoughts to “Commentary: A Copious Compendium of Adam Schiff’s Lies”

  1. James Forsythe

    Schiff proved to be one serious liar! Anyone stupid enough to believe anything he says is really a sucker.

  2. Cal Hart

    This is the best, most concise list of shiff lies that I have found. Thank you

  3. Silence Dogood

    How does his Congressional District keep sending him back? What is wrong with those folks? Sad.
